I thought it was well thought out. Thanks for the great listen.
I thought it was well thought out. Thanks for the great listen.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Always been a fantastic fan of Nat King Cole. I wish I could give you a high five.
Thanks for the review! You know, hitting the 5/5 button is like a high-5...
This is but a taste of it, I feel bad for not playing the whole thing.
Caleb, you've always been one of my favorite Newgrounds artists. This recording is magic. Beautiful cover.
Thank you so much, I really want to get to adding some new songs soon.
It's one of those pieces that you don't really forget. I would ask if you could put it on sheet music for my school band, but I could see some issues some people would have this that.
But the quality is excellent, the timing is superb, as well as the balance.
Excellent work, bro.
It continues to inspire me when I receive reviews like yours! Thanks for the love!
Great Piece.
Sir, it's your turn to post this on iTunes.
Can you share the sheet music? I really like it. The song is really smooth.
Rough Recording and unsmooth loop transition.
It would have been better if the transition was better between loops. The Recording software hurt my ears, and it was very rough.
Other than unorganized notes, not recorded well on sheet paper, it was terrible.
this was FL keys... though it looped pretty well in FL until I've upload it. thanks...
I didn't really like it.
Was too weird, couldn't understand what you were saying...
...At all.
My ears kinda hurt.
The voice is too broken. Very little effort seems put in, aside from the great background music.
Yea, I know. I'm using a mic on my monitor and you can definitely tell. I tried using flangers to make it sound better. Really, I just like gettin high and flowin, so I could give a fuck what the quality sounds like as long as people can peep the unique lyrics. (even though it is kinda loud)
I love this song.
Because I already know the chords for the guitar, incase anyone wants to play it the chords are C, G/b, A minor7, and G/B, Oh, and Capo III. For the Chorus, it's C, G/B, Am7, G/B, (Now you switch picking pattern, you strum the Low E String rather than the A string) G, E minor, Then Repeat.
Anyway, nice song. I love this cover.
Joined on 10/18/08